Saturday, December 4, 2010

Holy Thoughts of Thankfull~ness

Nothing worse than a child that lay ill on a Saturday
Yet I thank the stars above for my many blessings
including availability to simple medicines
a roof
and warm clothes

So even though I am on 15 minute sip watch with my wee
frail sick darling

I feel compelled to share the many ways there are to be thankful

I know at my daughter's school they have a "Giving Tree"
We took 4 children
and got them a gift
"Those have the least gave the most"

Yet there are more ways
a gentle smile,..
opening a door
seeing someone fall and coming to their aid
Blessings we all have
but do we use them in the way the Good Lord intended us to?
Many of us are very aware of our gifts,being of this earth
but do we forget that our talents are just as valuable?

Let us have open eyes and hearts to give of ourselves
Of our gifts, or of our talents

( I am super gifted in clearance shopping, and one of my many talents is making a penny stretch further than ever thought possible)

I am thankful my daughter has taken to the ibuprofen finally
I am thankful that I get to hear how much she loves me after I wash away
the accounts she tossed upon me
I will always be thankful

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