Saturday, October 30, 2010

Lions, Tigers, and Bears

Oh My!
was Crazy
I Am Surprised I made it through it,...

I left in the morning with 3 gift bags
with treat in each for all 20ish kiddos in each class
3 boxes of 140 homemade cookies
in the car
Dropped one child off in school pic outfit
at the door wit bag o treats and box o cookies
Got to the next school
got the remaining 3 children out of said mom taxi
Each girl had her bag o treats and I carried in the 2 boxes of cookies
Dropped cookies off in classrooms
Dropped preschooler off in her room
Started to stuff Friday folders for the kindergarten classroom
Finished stuffin' folders
went over to Preschool room
to frost 40 Halloween cookies with 19 4 year olds
Frosted cookies with Frosting lickers for about and hour
and said goodbye!
Went to Starbucks
ordered a pumpkin spice latte
Thank you Jesus!
Back to school to pick up preschooler
Home for lunch and "quiet time"
before leaving extra early to attend
3rd grader's 1st half
Halloween Party
Brought the meat, cheese, and cracker tray
the anti crazy, I call it
Arrived @ 1:50
was welcomed by children who gobbled up my treats
They saw the anti crazy and became wild boars
took pics
gave kisses and hugs and was off to the next party at the next school
Arrived @ the next school about 2:25
Entered to make all hearts happy
Received hugs from a very over sugared 5 year old
Packed the 3 youngest in the car after the bell rang
Drove to the next school to pick up the oldest
Made it home with all four wheels and kids

Needed a drink,....
Got Diet coke and a chocolate bar


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mission: "Your Special Day"

Part one of two:

I have been bothered.....
and held up
by whimpers
of coming to lunch

but with a wild infant in toe
with a straggler
know as the incorrigible one
it makes
"coming to lunch"
virtually impossible!

So I created a day
"Your Special Day"
They have no Idea
when it is their day
until the morning of
as I drop them off at school

So far I have accomplished
2 special days without a hitch
Tomorrow I plan on surprising my oldest!

All I do
is grab a happy meal
and meet them as they line up for lunch,..
but by the twinkles in
My sassy's eyes
I could tell
it was worth it's weight in gold

Mission Accomplished!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's a baking day

Today is the only day I do not
Have to be in 3 places at once
So instead of watching soap operas
and eating bon bons
I plan on doing laundry
baking pumpkin spice cookies
and organizing a couple kitchen drawers

When it is a baking day
it tends to mean
it is a stress relief day
a someone spit in my latte day
or kill me now, I singed up to do what?, day

Baking is as soothing to my soul
as a dark piece of chocolate
A frothy latte
and sweet cuddles and kisses
from my wee ones

Baking is my stress relief

Drinking lattes and fraps makes my soul sigh

Today after my visit to Starbucks
my incorrigible 4 year old
asks me why I need a coffee everyday
I replied
Because I have 4 kids,..
Nuff said!


Monday, October 25, 2010

Where ever,..

You go
There you are,..

Wise words shared with me
many years ago
While I was running the dance and drama program
at a girl scout camp
(shut up, stop laughing, I was a flipin' girl scout when I was 19)

On our "off" time
The Specials, the activity leaders
would get time to chill in the bunks and so forth,...
And this hippie chick and I were chattin'
I think I was blah blahing about wanting to get away
move to Europe and meet an Irish man,..yummmm
but she kinda stopped me in my daydreaming tracks
when she was like
Where ever you go, there you are
and it hit me like a ton o bricks
I might try to flee but in the end , I will catch up to myself
and whatever I might be running from
It will ring the bell at my front door

Since then,
I know my crap will follow me
or at least linger in the shadows
So now it is about
looking good will carrying baggage
at least I didn't leave it at the airport,...

I guess what I am trying to say
is I do my best to juggle my junk
but sometimes
running away sounds like an awesome idea,.....

but then I would find myself with wind blown hair
and that doesn't look good on anyone ;)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sundays In My City?

I have always Seen this
but then I think to myself
My city just isn't that pretty
but just cause the city isn't pretty
doesn't mean my Sunday could not posses beauty

Rather a lucky city to have me on Sunday

Homemade goodies
A mountain Of Laundry
Story Time
At least 2 cups of coffee
Cuddles, Kisses and hugs
of course,....

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Halloween Havoc

Friday I might as well
start getting ready as we speak
I have 120 cookies to make
to split between 3 classes
all a lil different than the others
plus I kinda, maybe might have to be in 3 places at once,...
Like this
Drop one off
go to the next school
drop both off
start my work in the kg room
then back to the preschool room
for their party for about an hour
Then escape for about an hour
back to pick up preschool kid
then home for lunch for wee dude
and the incorrigible 4yr old
back to the 1st school at about 1:50
to drop off treats and hang out for a bit
then back to the other school at about 2:30
spend about 20 mins with them at their party
then go pick up the other kid after her party with all kids in toe,..

Wow I better get baking

Friday, October 22, 2010

Playdates & Playboy

Who ever thought that watching to teeny lil' girls bounce around with happy meals in toe would be grander that any Xrated Show?
Well I am NOT an Xrated girl
So This was simply lovely

I would rather bake cookies for preschool~ Than have a drink
unless it was a latte' then we would be neck n' neck

I would rather playdate~ Than pamper myself
Unless it was a prepaid full body massage with the latte included

I would rather make a family meal for all to enjoy~ Than Vacation alone
No really,....

So With that
I am Back
and in the words of a fearless clown
"I'm Lovin' It"

Baa, Baa

In the back of my car this brisk morn

“baa baa black sheeeep
ave you any wool
yes SIR yes SIR
3 bags full
one for the master
one for the Dave
one for the little boy who lives down the way

Today my mantra shall be
“don’t eat them, they are your children”
No Really,!??!
The future is unwritten, so make sure to spell check ;)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

How Many Sleeps till Christmas?

The answer is 65 days,…
This was only prompted
after an “American Doll” catalog
Entered our home
Shrills and Shrieks of joy filled my house
with ohhhhhs
and ahhhhhs
and OH MY GOSH’s Galore

They pleaded with me to write down their Christmas Wish list just then.

You see Christmas, is done very differently at my house
with 4 children
3  in private school
and mindful parents trying to achieve the “America Dream”

Christmas, is extra special,… not because they are showered with gifts,..No
cause you see, I was an only.
I was showed with so many gifts, I cried!

So typically on Thanksgiving
The kids write down their TOP 5 Wishes
In Order
The 1st Being what they desire to receive from St Nicholas himself
The other 4,..
Don’t always get written down,..
because I would like to think
or believe I have mindful children
and If we ask for more than one thing from santa, how would he be able to give gifts to all children?

So with that
I allowed a pre~Halloween
Christmas list to be written

My oldest who, I might add is very bright
States firmly,
That it is a good thing Santa isn’t all about money,  ’cause these dolls are really expensive,..

Yep good thing

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My NEW Blog

Is kinda like that shirt.
You know the one you saw in a window
dropped everything
and ran in to try it on
Buying seconds after
It had hugged your body

But then you get home
and you stare at your closet
and you feel lost

How could something so wonderful not fit in
How could it be so estranged

Then all this pondering
all the while your embrace
of this new-found love eases

Now you sit there
and think
do I have anything that will work
can I figure it out
Can I make it happen
Or will I return it tomorrow,…

This is kinda how I feel
’bout my new blog
I tried this on
and it hugs me in all the right places
it just doesn’t work
Like I am use to
but I am going in a step in the right direction

Its like
I was eating a roast beef sandwich
now it is marinated with red and  green peppers
adorned with caramelized onions
placed inside of a monster sized roasted garlic Portobello
ahhhhh,.. that’s the stuff

Who wants lunch?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Damn you, God!

At first I wanted to write about the human condition and how ugly it is. How when I was at Taco~hell I saw a creature with an “I am an Orgasm Donor” bumper sticker on the back of said car,.. gleaming in the sun was his silver tooth and his mullet danced around his brain~less head,.. even yet that did not make me heave,..yet when I saw a wee~lil’ arm reach up from the back,.. that is when I lost it,..
I was going to write about how  Humans as a whole must continue to evolve,.. because I felt we had missed a few important links at some point
I was going to  write,..
But then I started to feel. Despite all the power inside of me to be a snarky bitter cynical bitch. I couldn’t fight it. The overwhelming feeling,….
Damn You GOD!!
Just when I let go, and am ready to live just for myself
I got a letter in the mail. It simply defined the condition of human that I at once was in love with. Kindness, love, forgiveness, acceptance and the desire to help.  I realized that my head got clouded by all that negative smoke people were blowing up my ass. Just then, the darkened harden scales started to peel free,….
I continued on my drive
When I pulled up onto her. I haven’t felt this way for almost 13 years
It was like God himself was using the young woman on the side of the road. Not only for me but for many to see,.. seeing her changed me.
She reminded me of when I was a  shy 19-year-old young woman myself and God called to me to help. I did not answer his called I avoided him like the plague, until that was, that the pleading became so loud and clear it was like  I could feel his screams through my soul.
That night 13 years ago, changed me.

Damn You God

For making me feel
for making me belive in the love you have for us
and especially for harboring  forgiveness in my soul

Friday, October 15, 2010

Once Upon A Time

There was a little girl, who dream of nothing but having her own family someday. She dreamed vivid dreams of brown-haired babies, rocking in rocking chairs. Drew pictures of an overly large family, all of whom their names started with the letter R. Played baby with her live like doll, and loved every moment. Prayed to the heavenly father that some day her dream would come true.
I think back to a song found only in my most favorite musical, “The Sound of Music.
Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked miserable past
I must have had a moment of truth
For here you are
Standing there
Loving me
Whether or not you should
So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good”.
So Now I sit here
Even though the man that makes this life possible. Seems to be so far away, I realize now, I must have done something Good!