Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sundays In My City?

I have always Seen this
but then I think to myself
My city just isn't that pretty
but just cause the city isn't pretty
doesn't mean my Sunday could not posses beauty

Rather a lucky city to have me on Sunday

Homemade goodies
A mountain Of Laundry
Story Time
At least 2 cups of coffee
Cuddles, Kisses and hugs
of course,....


  1. That's a beautiful picture. The shadows of the fence on their coats, they way they are walking...perfection.

  2. haha lost ya again :p We are still at the hospital and where normally and until I realized there was a shower in Carls room this Sunday morning in my world- same city -would be sucking but not so bad now that I am feeling a bit refreshed! have a great one and will see ya later this week...looks like another nights stay.

  3. Looks to me like beauty surrounds you even while you are doing laundry.

  4. You have such beauty in that photo and with those that are around you. Fantastic shot.

  5. Hey! So glad you joined in SIMC-- It's one of my favorite features to participate in and I'm met so many great people here.

    Love the photo of your kidlets.

    xo jj

  6. You have such a beautiful family. So you know you make your corner of that city shine!
